Job Opportunity: Accessibility Coordinator
The postholder will be a fluent BSL user.
Title: Accessibility Coordinator
Hours: 35 hrs pw (full time) – We are open to job shares
Fixed Term: 2 Years – generously funded by The National Lottery Community Fund
Salary: £26,310 for full time or an example of a job share could be £13,531 for 18 hrs pw
Location: Hybrid (working from home and our Deal office, with regular outreach in Thanet area)
Reporting to: Fundraising & Project Development Manager
Working at Kent Coast Volunteering (KCV) is more than “just another job”, it’s a chance to be part of something that really matters with a team that truly cares. You probably already know us; we are a recognised brand in Thanet, Dover, and Folkestone & Hythe, supporting volunteers and volunteer involving organisations to respond to the challenges of social action, meet needs and improve quality of life.
Over the last two years we have shown agility and skill, adapting our services and infrastructure support to meet the needs of our service users. Now, thanks to a 3-year award from The National Lottery, Kent Coast Volunteering is pleased to be recruiting to a variety of uniquely shaped roles which will support local people to find meaningful and accessible volunteering opportunities. We will also provide support that enables organisations and local groups to develop best practice in volunteering and the running of their organisations.
The Role: The postholder will be a fluent BSL user. They will set up and operate an accessible volunteering service aimed at the Deaf community in Thanet, breaking down barriers and facilitating access to attractive volunteering opportunities. The postholder will also support charities to host Deaf volunteers. They will also identify other groups experiencing barriers to engaging in volunteering and work with VIOs to welcome more diverse individuals into their volunteering roles.
Working as part of a team, the post holder will:
- Provide intensive support to 18 VIOs in the Thanet District to help them better support Deaf volunteers new groups.
- Connect 18 Deaf volunteers with these VIOs each year, and provide ongoing mentoring and support to enable these placements to be successful. Recruit British Sign Language students to act as volunteer buddies who will work alongside the deaf volunteer, in partnership with Palm Deaf.
- Work with Palm Deaf to deliver deaf awareness sessions to the pilot VIOs. They will support recruitment of the sign language buddies who will volunteer alongside the deaf volunteers.
- Co-ordinate and host 6 Network and Knowledge sessions for VIO’s over the life of the project, providing an opportunity to have structured discussions on accessibility and other topics related to this role.
- Act as an Accessibility Champion, developing best practice resources to help VIOs to positively connect and engage with harder to reach communities, working with VIO’s to enhance connectivity and engagement.
- Raise the profile of volunteering through posting on KCV’s website, social media and other media platforms.
- Work flexibly with the team to achieve the Lottery Project aims support the wider charity when needed.
Applicants are invited to submit a CV and detailed covering letter setting out how they meet the Job Description and Person Specification and why they are the right person for the role.
The Job Description and Person Specification can be obtained here: Accessibility Coordinator Job Description
CV’s and covering letters to be sent to by midday on Thursday 22 February.
- On Thursday 22 February, we will invite shortlisted applicants to interview.
- Interviews are to be held on Wednesday 28th February So please save the date in case you are shortlisted for interview.
For more information, contact Charlotte East, Fundraising & Project Manager, or Charity Manager Emma Cooney