Our Annual Report 2020-2021

Thank you to all those who attended our Annual General Meeting on Friday 18th February.

Our special thanks to the Worshipful Town Mayor of Deal, Cllr Christopher Turner, for an insightful presentation and for generously donating the use of Deal Town Hall. Unfortunately, Storm Eunice swept in at the 11th hour and the meeting was held online instead.

A huge thank you to our trustees who have stood again and we bid a fond farewell to Nicola Wood from Kent Association for the Blind (KAB) who is stepping down as a KCV trustee this year. We thank the trustees for the time and commitment they continue to show and we look forward to working with them this year.

We look back at what we achieved in our 2020 – 2021 Annual Report.

Please see below a pdf of the presentation from the Volunteering Team about their work going forward

Kent Coast Volunteering