October 2023
Thanet Volunteering Opportunities
Cliftonville-based Mama to Mama take donations of pre-loved baby clothes and essentials to package and distribute via referrals to Mamas in Thanet. They would love to hear from volunteers interested in supporting their work. Opportunities include sorting donations, collecting larger items (vehicle required) and supporting fundraising events. Contact jayne@mama-to-mama.co.uk
Exciting new volunteer opportunities at Windmill Community Gardens, Margate:
Garden Helper
Market Garden Volunteer
Delivery Assistant
Outdoor Play and Learn Volunteer
Diabetes UK would love to hear from anyone interested in the following roles:
Volunteer Speakers
Event Volunteers
Community Champions
Friends of Ellington Park Community Cafe would welcome more volunteers to join their friendly team. If you can spare 4 hours a week, either 9am to 1pm or 1pm to 5pm please contact Bev on 07577 85279 or email foep.cafe@gmail.com or pop into the cafe for a chat
Christchurch Junior School Ramsgate are looking for a volunteer to join their governing body. Ideally with knowledge of accounts and finance. For more details contact PLim@Christchurchjuniorschool.co.uk
The National Coastwatch Institution (NCI) is opening a new station in Ramsgate. Volunteer Watchkeepers are needed to maintain observations safeguarding those in or near the sea. Full training provided.
Folkestone & Hythe Opportunities
Ever fancied having your own radio show?
Volunteer Presenter/Producer needed at Academy FM Folkestone. No previous experience required, all training provided. Learn new skills including presenting, scripting and producing.
Dover District Opportunities
Home Start Dover provide support to families in the Dover District and are always happy to hear from new volunteers.
Contact them on 01304 242314 or office@homestartdover.org.uk or come along to a volunteer coffee morning for a chat (ring for dates)
Take a look at October’s Task Programme from White Cliffs Countryside Partnership – it’s packed full of volunteer events and activities. Dip in as and when it suits you!
Deal’s Warm Welcome is open from 12.15pm to 2.15pm every Wednesday and meets at St George’s Church, just off the High Street. They would love to hear from new volunteers who could help with basic food serving, cleaning up and to have a sociable chat. Contact 07940 588246 or email jamesn.archer@outlook.com
All Area Opportunities
Health Promotion Community Connector with Social Enterprise Kent
Mentors with the Princes Trust
Could you offer one hour a week to provide online tutoring to a young person? The Access Project would love to hear from you. Find out more here